Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association


 Institute for Credible Leadership (ICLD)

The Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association has a robust eLearning site, called MNLET.  There is a wide variety of courses available, including our leadership development courses, called ICLD.

The ICLD System is a four phase, on-line, leadership learning system.  Each phase is divided into modules and phases I - III take approximately 40 hours each to complete with Phase IV taking 75 hours.

Individuals may also choose (or be assigned by their agency) to study certain individual courses which vary in size and time to complete. 

Along with the leadership training, ICLD will be the backbone of future online trainings and resources for MSA. 


CLICK HERE for the ICLD Course Listing

CLICK HERE for the ICLD Book List

CLICK HERE for Mandated Trainings as approved by Minnesota POST Board


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the site?  www.mnlet.org  You will need a username and password to access the course.  It is not the same one for the MSA website.  Please check with your training director.

How do I gain access?  ICLD is available to any employee of the sheriff’s office at no charge to the individual.  Registration should be done through the agency.  The agency representative will send the roster to the MSA for input into the system.

Will it work on any computer or device?  Yes, it is compatible with various platforms.  If using a PC, make sure you use the Chrome browser to access courses.

Do I receive credit for the courses?:  All courses are POST certified.   The MSA sends in reports to POST for licensed personnel. 

Are certificates available?:  Yes, after course there is a certificate and each phase you may request a certificate from MSA.  For those completing the entire ICLD journey, they will receive a challenge coin as well as a certificate. For MSA developed courses, there are individual certificates available.


ICLD Overview:

Phase I of the ICLD, “Foundations & Principles of Leadership”, is the first leg of an educational journey designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to leadership, ethics, character, supervision, communication and self-development. Phase I begins with two (2) self-assessments intended to set the tone for participant’s self-discovery in the realm of leadership development.

Individual courses in Phase I include: 

Leadership Principles & Concepts
Lincoln on Leadership
First & Mid-Level Supervisions
Leadership & Ethics
Leadership & Change
Personal Leadership
It's Your Ship
Leadership & Power
Leadership Theories
Law Enforcement Moral Compass 
Active Listening
Effective Communication
Military Leadership

Phase II of the ICLD, “Theories and Practices of Leadership”, is the second leg of the comprehensive journey through leadership education. Phase II is designed to build on the curriculum of Phase I and raise participants level of organizational thought and team-building by focusing on theories and practices of organizational leaders from both private and public sectors who have made monumental changes within their organizations.

Individual courses in Phase II include: 

It's Our Ship
Practical Emotional Intelligence
Good to Great
Proactive Communication
Conflict Management
Cultural Diversity
Action Leadership
Reflective Leadership
Start With Why
Legacy Leadership
Succession Planning
Human Capital Management


Phase III of the ICLD, “Application and Advancement of Leadership”, while building on Phases I & II, is geared to focus on the traits and characteristics that have elevated leaders to a level of leadership that transcends all disciplines and promotes continuous organizational growth and personal development. It addresses the balance of humanistic and tactical approaches to law enforcement leadership.

Individual courses in Phase III include: 

Human Factors & Leadership
Founding Fathers on Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Servant Leadership
Credible Leadership
Effective Leadership
Toxic Leadership
Community Leadership
Leadership & Customer Service
Cyrus on Leadership
Adaptive Decision Making
Tactical Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
Positive Emotional Intelligence

Phase IV is an opportunity to understand and perform the complex knowledge, skills and tasks that exemplary leaders perform. The content of Phase IV was researched and field tested for over a period of more than 30 years in university and justice and public safety environments including police, corrections, customs, immigration, homeland security and private security. It is based on the breakthrough book titled, Every Officer is A Leader: Coaching Leadership and Learning in Justice, Public Safety and Security Organizations (Revised 2nd Edition). The course was filmed at LAPD and piloted in collaboration with Deputy Chief Mark Perez and his Team of Leaders at the Los Angeles Police Department. This highly competent team was carefully selected to be able demonstrate the skills involved of Credible Leadership throughout the course.

Individual courses in Phase IV include: 

Self-Management Skills
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Opportunity Leveraging
Organization Development Skills
Versatility Skills




MSA Offers eLearning Courses to Fulfill POST Mandates


The Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association has recently renewed and updated the POST numbers for ICLD and MSA course that fulfill POST mandates.  We offer choices in all four categories, with 50 POST credits available (16 being required within certain categories.)


CLICK HERE for the listing of the courses that meet the POST mandates. 


For additional information or questions on ICLD, please contact:
Ann Jarrett
ICLD Leadership and eLearning Development
Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association

[email protected] or 651-451-7216